Thursday, October 13, 2011

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

UPCOMING EVENT: Popcorn scout sale at Lowe's Food - Sat. 15th, 2011

Help us sale popcorn to raise money for our Cub Scout Pack!

Our first Show and Sell is this Saturday at Lowe's Food in Burlington!
We have scouts signed up to sell for the 11-1 and 1-3 time slots, but still need some boys for 9-11 am. We could also use more scouts for next Saturday at Lowe's Home Improvement in Burlington.

A great incentive for the boys (and parents) to sign up is their time is used to help determine how many 'scout bucks' they can earn to use throughout the year for scout activities and scout supplies!

Sign-ups for Sat 10/15 so far:
9-11:  __ <-- Needed
11-1:  3 scouts
1-3:  2 scouts

For more info contact Julie at